Week 12 & 13 – Three stressful weeks [part 1]

Day 79 till 89 – 14.10.2019-24.10.2019

It’s all about working my ass of these weeks so I won’t have much to do when November comes. Becaaauuuse… mom and dad are coming on the first of November aaaaaah. I’m super excited but November is PACKED with deadlines. Apart from the usual homework there is: a 7 page report, a poster, a poster presentation, an 2000 words essay, 3 reports for one class and two tests in the week my parents are here! So, just believe me when I say that apart from the view activities these weeks, I locked myself in my room to get this done!

On Monday, I started taking all these assignments seriously. However, not before I did something super relaxing to get all stress out of my system. The past week and coming two weeks Rudy Kristler, a Street Art 3D painter, is visiting NUS to brighten up our campus. You can sign up to help Rudy and it seemed to me to be the perfect way of relaxing before throwing myself in these weeks of schoolwork. Soon the little daughter of the restaurant owner wanted to show her talent as well and accompanied us. It was really as therapeutic as I thought, losing my thoughts in the work and having nice conversations about our life and art. The watermelon pieces we got from the little girl’s father gave me a true summer vibe.

Wednesday I skyped with mom and shortly met up with Anne. Also I finally received my birthday letter from grandpa! I wrote one back immediately but if post is going to take a month to arrive, maybe this digital era isn’t as bad 😉.

I don’t know why but on Thursday’s I often don’t leave my room. I used my morning for some reading and relaxing and when the big arm pointed to 12, I threw myself on my report again. To get rid of my energy I decided to go to the gym again and stayed there till just before the dining hall would close.

On Friday, the stress got to me a little bit for the first time. Realising that, even though I’ve been working my ass off trying to meet deadlines early in order to have time with my parents when they visit, it’s getting tight. Some guidance of Jakob got me back on track.

My comfort can always be found in food. So on Saturday I went for Sushi with Marin at first. This was my first experience eating sushi on a conveyer belt. It was stressful! But super fun to try and catch that thing that you decided to take last minute or hope someone else doesn’t take it before it gets to you. Our dinners at Holland Village also never let me down, today Mikayla also joined and we talked about her and Sarah’s long distance relationship. Four years… something I have respect for but think wouldn’t be for me.

Sunday I met up with Finja again after some time. We had planned on playing some table tennis but this became some games of pool. It was really fun seeing her again. So we met up on Thursday again to really play some table tennis, after which we met Anne’s mom over dinner. Super funny to see the family resemblance in their habits and it made me look forward to seeing my parents even more!

Day 90 – 25.10.2019 (Friday)

I also joined some ROC activities again, like Volleyball in the middle of the night and some DIY earrings (where I could get Finja to join me again). It felt good to put some time in this community again, especially since I realising more and more that I won’t have much time to do so anymore. During Halloween, all the college ; uitpakken ; completely. Zombies we’re raiding the halls and when I wanted to go into the elevators, girls looking like psychopath dolls were waiting for me outside. I decided to flee the horrorshow and meet up with Sarah and Finja for some games. Eventually we weren’t even able to do that much since we mostly kept talking.

Day 91 – 26.10.2019 (Saturday)

Me and Sarah had the ‘get off this campus’ itches and we decided to go out for dinner at a nice Indian place Sarah knew of. It seemed quite popular so I was excited for the quality. Unfortunately I took a dish that was a bit spicy for me, however it was still very delicious and I mostly enjoyed the atmosphere in this very local cozy restaurant. What I enjoyed most was just observing the people and their culture/habits. I love it, and get confused by it, when the waiters show their approval of our orders by shaking sort of no with their head, hihi.

I wanted to make it a real outing and was determined to see the October water show at the Marina Bay waterfront. After seeing these bombastic shows, I always get reminded on the fact that we are living in Singapore; an awesome prosperous city and country. A truly epic feeling.

Day 92 – 27.10.2019 (Sunday)

27.10.2019 (Sunday)

It’s Diwali, or Deepavali, today and we decided to celebrate it with an early hike at the Wetlands. This spot is completely at the edge of Singapore and on the coast of the passage separating Singapore and Malaysia. It was a beautiful place, but after walking around for 5min in the first part of the national Park, I had already collected 16 mosquito bites… Luckily I saw a mom spraying her kid with some repellent and I could use some. The whole place was really beautiful and full of the huge lizards we saw at Pulau Ubin before as well!

Back at NUS I was completely satisfied with going off the campus again and could start my work with some new motivation.