Week 11 – A social week and my last midterm

Day 70 – 05.10.2019 (Saturday)

I refreshed myself this morning with a swim and met up with Rebecca in the city for some Insta worthy hours. We went to the colourful Old Hill police station, Clarke Quay and Singapore’s bridge of art the Alkaff bridge. If that wasn’t satisfying enough for today, I also joined Charles (CAPT, France) to the new Joker movies. Don’t worry, I will not give any spoilers. But I absolutely loved the movie… eventually… It may have changed me in a psychopath a bit as well though.

Day 71 – 06.10.2019 (Sunday)

With the original plan of a 10km hike, Sarah and I thought it was also important we did some studying today, so we decided to just go for a stroll in the Chinese gardens. That plan was soon crushed when we arrived and bumped on a fence with the text “under construction until 2021”. Luckily I had heard of a different place called Haw Par Villa that was supposed to be this theme park with weird Chinese folklore sculptures. It was a lot weirder than I expected, but also quite beautiful. We strolled through ‘Hell’, read some interesting stories linked to the sculptures, fed turtles and had a lot of fun trying to copy some of the sculptures. Home again after strolling through the heat, I spend my time trying to study. This wasn’t as fruitful as I hoped it would be.

I did however take a swim before having dinner together with Anne and Sarah, and a Skype call with dad to end a perfect day perfectly.

Day 72 – 07.10.2019 (Monday)

I studied for the test tomorrow and even didn’t do sports… But mostly because it was raining.

Day 73 – 08.10.2019 (Tuesday)

I finally had my last ‘celebration of knowledge’ as my professor calls it. I didn’t think it was something to celebrate that much. Especially because I had to do a sprint with my pen against the clock (a test of 8 pages and 1h? Come on).

I decided to enjoy my free time and relaxed by taking a swim and writing my blog.

Day 74 – 09.10.2019 (Wednesday)

Oof, today was a bit stressful. I finally made the decision to join my parents’ travel in Malaysia till the end and I wanted to book the flight. This dilemma had teased me for a long time already. The reason it was so hard to make this decision was because my professor told me there would be presentations in the same week. The exact date of presentation depends on which project I will get allocated and that will still take some time. Because I didn’t want to wait any longer, regarding the tickets getting more expensive, I decided to take the risk. Unfortunately, because I was talking about the one date that would mess up my plants, this was the date I booked the flight. UGH! The irony was big on this one. Only a fee was charged, but it still felt a  bit sour.

Luckily, Sarah, Anne and I headed to ladies night at Lulu’s immediately. This time, we were able to get a table and we got the drinks brought to us instead of us waiting at the bar. This time I was a bit more dressed up and while our drinks were constantly being refilled by Rebecca the drag queen, we felt as fancy as can be. The whole night was a lot of fun, meeting new (way too rich) people that like to throw away money, Go-Go dancers and making it way too late.

Day 75 – 10.10.2019 (Thursday)

That meant I slept till 14.00 today, Netflixed a bit, did research on Thailand and skyped over 2h with grandma. Amazing.

Day 76 – 11.10.2019 (Friday)

Finally we have our lectures from the German professor again and quality went through the roof, this professor is the only one that talks non-stop and actually keeps my attention. Afterwards I joined Christina to the gym and she made me work 200x harder than I thought I could. I was scared for the muscle ache after. At dinner we were glued to our chairs and talked till late in the evening.

Day 77 – 12.10.2019 (Saturday)

Finally we’re going on the Southern Ridges walk! I say finally because I think I tried to do this over a month now but people studying and the haze made it quite hard. The hike was super diverse. It starts with climbing the highest mountain here, Mt Faber, which gave quite an impressive view over the city. It gave me a bit of the feeling like ‘Damn… this is my city”. From the mountain, you cross the highest pedestrian bridge of Singapore: the Henderson Waves bridge, online it’s really beautiful but now it was being renovated so we stomped over it quite quick. Then the path that takes us more into the forest slowly transforms into a small tree top hike that ends up in Kent Ridge park. One more canopy walk and the 10km hike came to its end in the Labrador park. Where we got a little first experience of the rainy season that’s slowly starting here.

In the evening we finally met up with Finja again after one month of radio silence. Her family has been visiting since last month, so it was really fun to see her again over dinner at Newton Hawker center and meet her boyfriend as well.

Day 78 – 13.10.2019 (Sunday)

This morning I started quite early. Anne and I were doing laps in the swimming pool at 9.00 and went for breakfast after. While swimming we realised that we actually don’t have that much time left in Singapore! In two weeks my parents will be visiting, then our trip to Indonesia will follow and after two tests we’ll both be starting our travels until late January.

I used this afternoon to finish my essay part and used my leftover time to record myself for a new assignment for Sky and Telescopes. An assignment to engage other people in astronomy. We decided to make a video that can be viewed in a planetarium in the style of Ocean’s, presented by David Attenborough. Since I was the only person without a Singaporean accent. I got the honour of becoming Lady Attenborough.

For evening activity we (Sarah, Anne, Rebecca and I) went for a chick flick night at the Cinema. We strolled through Victoria’s Secret and watched the new movie ‘Hustlers’. Quite a graphic movie and apart from stripper moves we learned some new things about that world.

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